Saturday, November 22, 2003

Saturday Musings

Well I got sprained ankle, a crick in the arm and a slashed nose. How could things get worse? Well, it didn't actually, and I feel fine today, but the fact that these things happened made me feel jumpy all of the sudden. The only thing left to do as to not invite such disasters would just confine myself to my room and sit staring at space, in which in a couple of minutes boredom and the feeling of stupidity will arise to pester me. Ah well, time will tell as I trudged back down the stairs and view the outside world, trying to find something to do.

So I dressed up and went outside and finally returned a guitar to a friend who has been asking for it the longest time, much to his surprise. Then I got to meet up with guys to help plan out the community's HLT2, which would be this December 13-14, before I leave for Iloilo. Which is kinda both cool and sad, since I get to see all the gang one last time before I leave. Hopefully the venue would be at Tito Rene's place at Alabang, since there's a swimming pool and a very very extra large TV. Which would of course defeat the purpose of having a HLT2. Hmmm, I'll just wait and see and let the upper echelons sort it out themselves, hehe.

I'm now playing Dungeon Keeper 2 by Bullfrog Entertainment, an old game where evil reigns and for once you get to control the Legions of Darkness and take a crack bashing those goody-do-gooders. A fun game actually, more on the building sim with lots of funny and snide comments when something good( or bad in this case ) happens. Hilarious game, if you're into sim-building games. Another cool game would be Black and White, but that's another story, and perhaps I'll install later after DK2.

Hmmm, I might finally decide to put up my site this December, trying it out first on free hosting and moving on to the real thing is things go well. Lots of ideas, like a journal, a gallery, my Warhammer Section, my Dungeons and Dragons section, links to other good sites, perhaps comic strip and maybe even a online web cam...although the last one takes some serious thinking, hehe.

Why is it not the time?
What is there more to learn?
I've shed this skin that I've been chipping at
And I've never quite returned

*Sigh*, 23 days more to go before I leave. The things I needed to do are half complete, and I'll probably change my plan for a play to three or four short stories to be given to "ahem" certain people, since I can't finish it and direct it in one month. Too little time left...

State of Mind: Serious Reflections
Song of the Day: Bigger Than My Body by John Mayer
Now Reading: Domes of Fire by David Eddings
Level of dungeon in Dungeon Keeper 2: 5th Level


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