Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hitting a Slump

I've been sick these past week. Ok, well not actually sick but kinda like a little out sorts. Actually, more like a simple case of flu coupled with a bad case of "blah". Blah blah blah. If people would ask me what's going on inside my head these past week I'd reply with "Ngggh. Nothing much, just plain blah. Ngggh."

I remember getting these kinds of days, these times that you want to be left alone, doing nothing and just plain sit there on the couch and think of nothing. Although it was a blur, I think that's what happened to me this last week. I wake up, I go to the office, and after a frenzied 10 hour work day, go home and just sit down very very still. No TV or radio. I can just imagine the scene where I arrived home and when I finally sit down, smoke would steam out my skin.

Right now, I'm partially rising above the state of blah-ness. I'll try to write something after this week, or maybe in June if I haven't gotten out of my slump yet. But for now, I'm taking a breather and stare again into nothingness.

State of Mind: Being One in the State of Mu
Song of the Day: Thnks Fr Th Mrmrs by Fall Out Boy
Book of the Week: Youngblood 3 by Aruta and De Vera
Looking For: the Energizer Bunny


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