Monday, February 25, 2008

Trying Again For The Palanca

The country's most prestigious literary contest, the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards, or just the Palanca Awards for short, looms in the horizon, sending signals to every wannabe writer and struggling novelists to brush up on their art and sharpen their pencils. It is the one contest that I dearly want to join. I have tried to finish a short story last year and pass it up but due to time constraints ( I had started late ) and work issues ( April was the deadline, and I was in China, damn ). Now though, it's February and I have three months to concoct up a story before the deadline.

Two things would probably hinder my progress. One is the Canton Fair ( which is usually in Guangzhou, China ) in April, then also the Warhammer Fantasy Grand Tournament. Arrrggh. And to top it all off, there's also the Worldbex Convention in Manila, this coming March!

Perhaps that's my problem, my essential skill of being able to multitask at any work is also my bane, since I couldn't focus well on the subject matter in hand. Being able to focus and being able to multitask are two sides of a coin, one cannot be the same. I lack focus that is true, but being able to make a dozen decisions and do paperwork at the same time more then makes up for it. Hmmm, I think the key to this is balance. I gotta think about this more.

Meanwhile, I'll finish my outline this couple of days and perhaps do a paragraph too.

State of Mind: Monday Blues
Song of the Day: Bubbly by Colby Caillet
Book of the Week: His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
Want/Need: A Time Machine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck to you!

9:01 AM, February 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, big h!!! palanca, cool! :) i wish you all the best! god bless.

12:56 AM, February 26, 2008  

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