Monday, February 01, 2010

End of January, with Wishes

:::Greek Mythology Kicks Ass:::

I've just finished the Percy Jackson series (5 books in 6 d
ays! It's that good!) and now looking forward to read again the original greek myths, from Kronos and his kids to Homer to even the small short stories of Demeter, Pan and Hestia. One thing I like about Greek mythology (I have been reading them since I was a wee boy) is that like the Norse, most of the stories are tragic, which in turn makes them lifelike and real. While I have a soft spot for Nordic Gods, nothing beats the Greek in massive scale and pure epic butchery ... and some of these battles are crafted in poems.

The most recent Nordic tale I followed was American Gods by Neil Gaiman, but that doesn't really count since all the gods in all myths are there as well (though Odin and Loki were central to the story).

The Percy Jackson books I can highly recommend to anyone who enjoys greek myths, youngblood stories, or both. Two thumbs here.

Now, if only the movie "Lightning Thief" wouldn't suck that bad ...

:::In The Grim Dark Future, There is Only War:::

One of the reasons I haven't been updating lately is that I trying to read all my
backlog of books I bought last year. Before the Percy Jackson series, I read Dan Abnett's E
isenhorn Omnibus (Xenos, Malleus, Hereticus) and
Ravenor Omnibus (Ravenor, Ravenor Returned, Ravenor Rogue). Both stories are a kind of continuation, but the first three covers the tale of Inquisitor Eisenhorn, and the second three continues with his disciple and former student Inquisitor Ravenor.

Without saying, this is one of the best science fiction yarns I have read in a long time (Ok, so one year ago it was Gaunt's Ghost, but it's also written by Dan Abnett). Without spoilers, if you're going to read this, get ready for a rollercoaster ride of treachery, deceit and hopelessness. Because the setting for story is Warhammer's 40K universe, suffice to say there are no fluffy bunnies.

The heroes don't fit your typical stereotype. Indeed, Eisenhorn is one of the most singleminded individual that I read about. There can be no compromise, even in the face of having your soul ripped out and considered a outcast, a pariah in your own order. Ravenor is also human, even if he crippled. As one of the most intelligent Inquisitors in that age, he can be blinded by duty.

Even if you don't know the 40K universe, I heartily recommend this book. While it might take a while for some people to understand the phrases (vox-channels, the warp, daemonhosts etc) the book comes alive on its own.

:::Plans for the Year:::

1. The Store!
2. Palanca Awards!
3. More time to write.
4. More time to blog.
5. More time to take photos.
6. Be more geeky as always.
9. Have a kid. Really. Twins would be better.
10. Produce a game.

As it is, if I can just accomplish half, then I'm a happy man. A 30 year old man at that.

State of Mind: Abuzz With Thoughts
Now Reading: Still looking for the next one
Now Listening: Kings and Queens by 30 Second to Mars
Want/Need: Moar Ideas!


Anonymous Mona said...

ditto on the books. got me a major backlog to go through. thinking of buying the percy jackson series, despite the damn thing being a theatrical let-down.

and amen to your list, brother! i want different kind of store; but a business to call my own. i have 3 kids now, so i got your #9 covered. #10 -- not so much. everything else -- yes, please. kindred spirits, we are. :)

3:53 PM, February 23, 2010  
Blogger Big Hamster said...

Hehehe, nice to see another bibliophile. Yah, the Percy Jackson movie is such a big disappointment that I almost left the movie house halfway through.

WIll try post more often, and definitely more book and reviews hopefully.

Thanks for reading!

11:18 PM, March 02, 2010  

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