Sunday, September 23, 2007

Offline Messages

So I'm here at the airport, waiting for my flight to arrive and take me to Manila. I've already made promises to several of my friends for a greet-and-meet, or kwentu-kwentuhan, or more appropriately a no-holds-barred-talkfest. This promises to be one heck of a vacation. So as I await my plane, here are some messages to the people cuz I won't be having any internet connections by the time I get to Manila.

My other family, the SA-3 Palanan Cluster: Mga kapatid! Nandyan na ako! And I'm bringing my Butterscotchs against your Mooncakes! Hehehe, Mid-Autumn Festival is on! And no, I have no annoucements to make, whatever misconceptions you have or conspiracy theories you created.

My gaming group: Got my WoW and WM. Capt. Haley and Morova of the Sands reporting for duty. And yep, I bought the 'jap merchandise'! *Insert evil laughter here* By the way, anybody know when is the GT?

My Pengyou's, wo de Chinese Peeps: Hehehe, Hao jiu bu jian! Women zai GB3 yiqi chi ma? Xianzai, wo de didi zai Japan. Xinqiliu, ranhou zai Manila. Give me a ring and we'll see.

My HS Batchmates: Hey hey! Tuloy yung grand high school reunion this December! Ten Years in the making! w00t!

To Ryan: Dammit, leave your name when you comment cuz sometimes I don't know if it's really you or some pike out in the woods. Dude, seriously, what's with the anonymity? It's not like SHE reads my blog right? Hehehe ... or does she? Hmmm... Interesting...

To Besfren Earl: Pucha, wake up! WAKE UP! Lakad na tayo punta ng MS para kuha ng goodies! Then Tokyo Tokyo! Extra Rice Madness!

Finally, To Ronstadt: I'm there! Outside La Salle! I'll wait outside! I'm there! Hehehe, over 2 months of forced separation is enough to be considered PURGED of goodness.

Arytie, that's it. Hope to see you all there. Hamster out.

State of Mind: Anticipating Excitement
Book of the Week: Jingo by Terry Prachett
Song of the Day: Prepare the Way by Darrel Evans
Want/Need: Books. Period.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Getting Nearer and Nearer...

:::Syntax Error:::

I hate mondays. Who doesn't? There is no harder day in the week to wake up than Monday. Monday is the day that you start counting the days till Saturday. Ande seeing that it's still 6 days away makes you wish it were Friday. But I still have work on Saturday so I would wish it to be that day. And this Saturday in particular.

Six days till I leave Iloilo for Manila. Then a week of romp and play. I can't wait. But for now, six days of finishing up EVERYTHING so there'll be less paperwork when I get back. But for this particular Monday, I'll be anticipating... and tapping idly in the monitor this code:

Productive work in progress.

:::Thinking Aloud:::

Lots of stuff to bring these week long trip. Let's see: some pasalubong for the friends and family, courtesy of butterscotch and other sugar power goodies. A deck or two of WoW and maybe Warmachine for gaming. A big bag for books that I'll be buying. Some more furniture stuff for the room, lamps and all. Xbox games, definitely in time with HALO 3 launch. Oh, that special thing! Hmmm... need to think about this one more.

Of course, while I'm there I'm soaking up the vacation with my girlfriend. Nothing beats a good vacation when you're with someone you care a lot. Of course, she'll take me to Divisoria, and I'll hate every minute of it. But we all have to make sacrifices to the ones we love right? Caramba...


I've found this in the web, and whoa, she speaks english! For Ozawa/Miyabi fans, hehehe.

State of Mind: Anticipation Blues
Book of the Week: The Golden Compass by Bill Pullman
Song of the Day: Evaporated by Ben Folds Five
Want or Need: A bigger bag perhaps.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Walrus Goes Goo

:::They are the Eggman, I am the Walrus:::

So I've been pretty busy this past couple of weeks. First off, my room, while finished, still has a couple more things missing, like a chair and some floor pillows and maybe a piece of rug. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it done this week. Second, my parents left for a much needed vacation in Alaska, leaving me and my bro for a week handling the affairs in the office. And if that isn't hair-raising, wait till you hear about some of my conversations with various suppliers and "elite" customers ( read: customers who want everything done fast ... not now, but like yesterday) who deal directly with my parents.

So in a Zen moment, this gave me a glimpse when I'm running the whole operation now in the future. My bro, bless his soul, gets to run the internal part of the company i.e. finance, admin etc. worrying about money and how to save it, move it around, and keep it liquid. Meanwhile I get to face the daily rigors of sales and purchasing, which means I get the "veri veri vunderful" task of creating money. And dealing with the daily demonic personages, of course.

:::Chariots of Fire:::

Been jogging almost consistently lately, during the wee hours of five in the morning, three or four times a week. This time though, I've cut my time from one hour to just 40 minutes, but made a small adjustment to my pace. Run for two laps, walk briskly for 100m, then run for 300m, walk briskly for 200m, run again for one lap and so forth. I discovered that even though you jog everyday but never seem to lose weight ( or more likely, change its shape ) its because your body adapts quickly to your daily routine. That is why I see my father everyday briskwalking for an hour and still not lose a speck of his tummy.

So it's unconventional methods for now. Like the Spec-Op or Special Operations ( which was an interesting book by Tom Clancy, non-fiction ) they do not do the same exercise twice in a week, except perhaps running. And in a documentary about the film 300, they did the same thing also, never doing the same thing twice, hence their body changed rapidly in the course of 12 weeks.

So I did my running thing on that. And from the first time I ran it's like half a lap, now it's two and a quarter. So it's all good. It's not important that you went 6 laps straight jogging. What I want to achieve is 6 laps running. Or, in the process right now, run till you feel you can't do it, take a quick brick walking breather, then run again. Don't stop. Keep walking, then run aain. The important thing is to punch the limit. Suck in that air. In the end, maybe I'll be able to run that six laps, or maybe more.

:::Ohayo, Philippines!:::

These days, been listening to a lot of J-Rock and Pop, usually based on the anime soundtracks. It gets me going in the morning. Fuel for the fire they say. So I'm there in my desk, doing sums and reading reports while in the background AFKG's Haruka Kanata or L'arc En Ciel's Ready Steady Go blast through the my Mac's speakers.

State of Mind: Blitz Krieg Fussiness
Song of the Day: Star Star by Shocking Lemon
Book of the Week: Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy
Want or Need: For some reason, ice cream.